Riders and Dealers

QU-AX Team Riders

Our team riders and our dealers are an important part of our product development. In the beginning, we only sponsored only young, hopeful riders who sometimes could not afford the sport. Out of this, long partnerships were established, new partners joined – and our sponsoring changed over the years. By now, our team-riders rather represent the unicycle spirit and lifestyle rather than pure competition results – they represent it on social-media, events, competitions and meetings.

Since many years we work with unicycle riders of various disciplines to develop products – or to refine them. This is how the Profi BB, the QU-AX King George 36″ tire, the Q-handle, our gusset seatpost and finally #rgb-series were born. Some examples:

Rocco Schulz

Rocco Schulz

One of our first team-riders – and part of QU-AX since the early beginnings. Loves adventures, tours, treks, we appreciate his photos, videos, trip-reports – but especially his ideas, opinions and testings over the years. Rocco rode many types of unicycling already – Freestyle, Track, Trial, Street, High- and Widthjump – but essentially: Muni.

Rocco Schulz

Paul Wegfraß

Paul Wegfraß

Our Hardcore-Tester in terms of durability and resistance. Many parts are now labeled “Paul-proof”. It is over ten years ago we met at ODM in Dresden, Paul was already riding his QU-AX Muni with the legendary multi-spline axle (kind of a Q-Axle proto) for years – and would still continue to – since then, many incredible photos and videos brought us together and Paul is often risking his own health to test stuff – or to get the best ever photo.

Paul Wegfraß

Florian Kaiser

Florian Kaiser Island

Florian Kaiser convinced us by great photos he provided us before we ever sponsored him. His crazy Iceland crossing – all alone – including his video about it is legendary – see it below. During the Eurobike that summer, he showed his knowledge to visitors and reported visitors about his trip. Flo is still ambitious – unicycling – photographer. Since the very first prototype, he’s been testing our Freewheel hub with Becky – and since then nearly only rides this type of unicycling. This makes him develop a totally new style of riding – with new curving techniques and more. Check his YouTube-channels and Instagram.

Florian Kaiser



Berry is one of the youngest team-members – but here too, his awesome photos got our attention – he is also working in a technical sector and engineered the first Zero-Q-Axle Rollo Disc prototype. Qualified feedback from Berry helped a lot too for the development of #rgb components.


Nicolas Charbonneau

Nicolas Charbonneau

Nicolas video down the Mont Royal in Canada catched our attention – an incredibly flowy riding style on a 24″ with fat drops. He also already made nice videos in Utah before – also from a filming point of view – now he shreds the trails on a 27,5″ #rgb muni – keen to see what’s to come!

Nicolas Charbonneau

Rebekka Wiedener, Becky

Rebekka Wiedener (Becky)

We saw Becky on many events with her great and versatile riding style. In 2016 and 2022 she became world champion in uphill – which gave her nickname “Becky the mountain goat”. Furthermore she is enthusiastic about unipacking and already rode through Arizona, Scotland and Germany. She also shaped the freewheelscene and helped in the development of the QU-AX freewheelhub. We are looking forward to her next adventures!

Rebekka Wiederner - Becky - and Berry

Lorenz Schwerzmann

Lorenz entdeckte schon früh seine Liebe zum Einradfahren. Was in den Quartierstraßen allein begann, entwickelte sich über die Jahre zu seiner Leidenschaft für das Extrem-Einradfahren. Besonders das urbane Fahren, speziell das Trial, zog ihn in seinen Bann, doch mit der Entdeckung von Muni war es endgültig um ihn geschehen. Für ihn gibt es nichts Schöneres als seine Abenteuer mit Freunden in den Bergen. Auf herausfordernden Touren testet er dabei nicht nur die Grenzen des Muni, sondern auch seine eigenen – da darf das Einrad auch mal zum Pickel werden. So hat er beispielsweise 2020 allein die Schweizer Alpen auf dem Muni durchquert, mehrere 3000er befahren und zahlreiche unvergessliche Touren unternommen.
Neben den sportlichen Herausforderungen ist es vor allem die einzigartige Einrad-Community, die ihm besonders am Herzen liegt. Sein aktuelles Projekt besteht darin, die Begeisterung fürs Einradfahren und den Gemeinschaftssinn, der damit einhergeht, nach Thun – seinem Zuhause in den Berner Alpen – zu bringen. Photo credit: Florian Kaiser

Felix Adjei

Finn Harwege

Finn Harwege Portrait

Finn has been unicycling since he could fit on a 20″ unicycle and has tried every discipline since then. He also has a passion for filming and editing videos of unicycling. Now he mainly rides Muni and makes tutorial videos to help others get started riding unicycles off-road.

Finn Harwege in Action

QU-AX Partners

Our dealers are our direct line to you. They give us qualified feedback and returns about your wishes, improvement-suggestions to our products.

Petra und Roland Wende


They were one of our first customers in the early beginning of QU-AX and also became a massive part of the unicycling-scene in Germany – most German customers know them – and they know most German unicyclist – having been at so many competitions and conventions. A permanent contact with them in all these years – in discussions, phone-calls or emails, transporting their and your experience helped and helps us still. Thank you.


George is Long-Distance rider and commuter – he help us design the variable QU-AX Q-Handle and QU-AX 36″ King George tire which is now also spec’d on the Kris Holm 36″ unicycle. Unicycling is in his blood – and is our microphone to the Asian unicyclist-scene. 2018 he welcomes Unicon – an will also have a booth there where you can check and test our products.

Romain Gadiolet - CDK


Romain Is head of unicycling in the French Shop Cri du Kangourou in Lyon, his strong connection to the French unicycling community and his experience in Uni-Basketball lead to the Profi 24″ for example – part of the Woom team, multiple French and Worldchampion in Basketball. He is our french connection!

Other projects

Besides this, we also sponsor(ed) other riders like Cedric, known from the Swiss Rivella advertisement, charity projects of various type like South-American children’s home Circus touring Europe, Rider gathering funds for Syrian children, but also Athletes of other sports like German Biathletes, Junior Motorbike-Riders, Hoola-Hoop artists on one wheel…

You deserve support, too?

Write us what you could do for us? HighEnd photos? Videos? Social Media? Workshops? – Tell us, maybe we come together!