Category Archives: Highlights

New Kris Holm 2023 Unicycle Line-Up with Q-Axle Boundary Hubs and Cranks

Kris Holm presents his new lineup for 2023 with a revised hub / crank combination. [...]

Finn shows us how to Freewheel unicycle

Team rider Finn Harwege made a great tutorial on how to learn to ride a [...]

3D printed washers for bearing adjustment

Our new team rider Finn Harwege developped a very useful little washer for the QX [...]

Becky Tamas Trip to Elsbet

QU-Ax Team-rider Becky and Tamas from filmed their nice trip to Elsbet by Unipacking [...]

QU-AX Luxus 20″ and Muni 24″ awarded “spiel gut” seal

QU-AX Luxus 20″ as well Muni 24″ got tested and is being recommended by the [...]